Or, at least, it sure seemed that way–especially since they had so many tools to help them get rid of it. The most popular: razors and tweezers, which look very much like our own.
Priests were said to shave their entire bodies–including eyebrows. Men and women shaved their heads–some say in order to keep lice away. Egyptians wouldn’t dare enter a temple with stubble of any kind.
They also hated fabric made from wool (preferring linen)–perhaps because they thought wool was too much like hair!
Gads! e
All right, so the eyebrow thing is a bit much, but as far as I’m concerned any society that requires men and women to shave the same number of parts is okay by me . . .
Those razor devices look rusted scary. I would have thought they would have done threading (maybe they did both).
Yeah, I kinda think the head-shaving’s brilliant. Lice are nasty little buggers.