"Careful. Don't grab the wrong sword!" The morning after the Sigma Pi kegger... Source: historicLOLs.comHow Harpies got their start. … [Read more...] about Friday Funnies–Ancient Style!
Friday Funnies
Friday Funnies–Ancient Style!
"I am NOT prancing, you guys!" yelled Hermes to the other Olympians. "For the last time, it's the WINGS!"Ever wonder what a mash-up of L. Frank Baumand Homer would look like?The dumb pharaoh never did figure out why his horses kept dying on him. … [Read more...] about Friday Funnies–Ancient Style!
Friday Funnies–Ancient Style!
"Wait, Drag-Queen Cleo! That's NOT Arsinoe, I promise!"Some rap stars like to horse around...What the dogs thought about Diogenes and his "fine" Greek wine:"Dude, leave some for us--that stuff'll kill all our fleas for sure!""That's the last @#%&* time this stupid cat tears up my silk cape," Cleopatra said. And it was. … [Read more...] about Friday Funnies–Ancient Style!
Friday Funnies–Ancient Style!
"Invisible Jump Rope!" via www.historicLOLS.com GOP politics as explained by ancient Egyptians: "Here's how it works," said the lion to the little guy."If I win, I eat you. If I lose, I give you a head start before I eat you." … [Read more...] about Friday Funnies–Ancient Style!
Friday Funnies–Ancient Style!
Y'all convinced me: I'll keep Friday Funnies going. Meanwhile, if you find a piece of art or reference to antiquity that you can desecrate...er, I mean, make funny, please feel free to submit it and I'll post it. Unknown detail of the Exodus story: right before Mosesturned his staff into a snake, he turned into a cat. Consequently, hegrew bored and walked away, … [Read more...] about Friday Funnies–Ancient Style!