We interrupt our regularly scheduled caption funnies for something a little different (and to be honest, more awesome). Check out this amazing short piece, "I am Europa," by Amalia Dillin (http://blog.amaliadillin.com/).Her flash fiction reminds of what an ad guy I used to write for once told me: "If clients need a 2,500 word write-up, I ask for a week. If they want 250 words, … [Read more...] about Friday Funnies–Ancient Style!
Friday Funnies
Friday Funnies–Ancient Style!
Some captions write themselves (like last Friday's Charlie Sheen line), but sometimes the funny lines just don't come. That's when I turn to my favorite site, historiclols (http://history.icanhascheezburger.com/) and it's sister site, somuchpun (http://puns.icanhascheezburger.com/.)My inner slacker is extremely grateful for these "in-a-pinch" history and/or art … [Read more...] about Friday Funnies–Ancient Style!
And The Caption Winner Is…
Last Friday, I posted the following Greek painting and asked for submissions of funny captions.The winner would get a free copy of my book, CLEOPATRA RULES. Only one problem, though. I couldn't decide!So I recruited the family to help. The unanimous decision was:When Greg Luganis dreams.Congratulations Cathy C. Hall! The close second and third picks where: No … [Read more...] about And The Caption Winner Is…
Win a Free Book with Friday Funnies–Ancient Style!
Let's have a contest! The person who comes up with the funniest line/caption for the following photo wins a free copy of my book, CLEOPATRA RULES! This is, by the way, a fresco painting from an ancient Roman villa.Post your line in the comment section or email me. Here goes:Meanwhile, here are my Friday Funnies for the week."Dude, I cannot believe I fell for it when … [Read more...] about Win a Free Book with Friday Funnies–Ancient Style!
Friday Funnies–Ancient Style!
Send me your funny lines for art relating to the ancient world! Meanwhile, here are mine, along with one from my favorite time-waster, historiclols.com."Please, PLEASE, don't make me get a Brazilian!""Wait, what? I can't hear you. You're breaking up. It's 'Hair of the Dog,' and NOT hemlock? Oh, okay. Excellent. Cheers!" "Girl, we've talked about this! I play for the other … [Read more...] about Friday Funnies–Ancient Style!