I’m back from a family vacation involving regular dunkings into freezing rapids and screaming myself hoarse on a zipline. Which basically means I didn’t have the time to scour the web and/or wrack my brain for anything funny (seriously, fainting takes a lot out of you).
I did, however, remember to bring Drag-Queen Cleo to the North Georgia mountains. And she had, as usual, something to say about everything:
Ah … but would the real Cleopatra refuse the challenge, the fun, the rush of the Slide For Life?
I think she might well be up for that, particularly if in doing so she could ‘one up’ her lover Antony.
Of course, we will never know, but I suspect she would.
I’m with Cleo on the I-don’t-do-water thing! Mostly because I’m lousy at swimming but great at drowning. *glug glug*
@Narukami–great point. And I agree, she would probably only go for it if she could’ve outdone Mark Antony. But alas, there is no Mark Antony action figure!
@Gail–I have to admit, the water was refreshing!
Looks like a great trip!!! Silly Cleo.
No Mark Antony Action Figure?
Actually …
There is one custom figure —
However, I think there must be a better one floating about (perhaps made out of a Barbie?). I will keep looking — Your Cleo needs her lover.
You jumped into the rapids? Was the helmet on your head not a clue that such behavior might be dangerous? Yikesy.
That zip line looks fun, though. I’d never do it, but it still looks like fun.
@Sally–lol. That was a designated jumping in spot so everyone on the trip took a little dip for fun. We jumped in after the drop so it was completely safe.
You can never go wrong with a cow picture!
But next time, I want to see Cleo clinging to that helmet as you take the plunge. Nothing says fun like a drag queen strapped to your head!
Lets hope the cow’s not too horny?
@Cathy–“Nothing says fun like a drag queen strapped to your head.” Hahahahah!
@Paul–I’d give you grief about your corny “horny” line but I can’t because every time I look at your adorable profile pic, I melt.
Thanks Vicky and I’m sure there’s a pussy joke in there somewhere?
We totally need a Mark Antony action figure. With detachable Roman armour.
Paul, you’re a naughty boy.