Friday Funnies–Ancient Style! June 29, 2012 by Vicky Alvear Shecter 4 Comments I’ve been doing a lot of research on ancient Egyptian practices lately so it only seemed appropriate to include “mummy” humor:
Anonymous says June 29, 2012 at 7:52 pm Nice blog and funny pictures! What’s a better combination than ancient times and funnies? Reply
Shelli (srjohannes) says July 2, 2012 at 7:57 pm Came to say thank you for commenting on my blog about my marketing e-book. Glad you think it is a good idea! 🙂 Loved these comics, very funny. Reply
LOVE that first one!!!! 🙂 e
Nice blog and funny pictures! What’s a better combination than ancient times and funnies?
Hahahahaha! Bathroom humor is so classic.
Came to say thank you for commenting on my blog about my marketing e-book. Glad you think it is a good idea! 🙂
Loved these comics, very funny.