Friday Funnies–Classical Style! October 26, 2012 by Vicky Alvear Shecter 2 Comments Monks on Mead Odysseus‘s Environmental Awakening Cupid’s Bummer Boss
Cathy C. Hall says October 29, 2012 at 2:53 am Monks on mead…Hahahahaha! (Dave thought I was laughing at something he said and at first I was going to explain but then I thought, Nah. How do you explain the hilarity of monks on mead???) Reply
Stop sitting on Uranus! LOL! 🙂 e
Monks on mead…Hahahahaha! (Dave thought I was laughing at something he said and at first I was going to explain but then I thought, Nah. How do you explain the hilarity of monks on mead???)