Riordan’s latest book had an initial press run of 1 million copies. Can you even imagine? One million in the first printing.
The man who single-handedly inspired countless kids to discover the magic of Greek mythology with his Percy Jackson series is about to do it again with his new series on Egyptian gods and monsters.
Riordan was in Atlanta recently promoting THE RED PYRAMID. Nearly 1,200 kids and their families showed up. Wait. Let me repeat that. More than 1,000 kids chose to meet an author over playing video games, watching TV, or whatever else they could’ve been doing.
The Carlos Museum at Emory University raffled off a private tour with Rick and I had the honor of tag-teaming the tour through our Greek and Egyptian galleries with him. It was a blast.
After his speech, Rick signed oh, about 800 to 1,000 books, saving a smile for each awe-struck child that approached him. Not to sound too star struck myself, but he was pretty awesome.
Meanwhile, I have a signed copy of Rick’s latest that I want to give-away as soon as I figure out how other bloggers do these things. But (in case my editor reads this) I am much too busy—yessiree—way too busy working on those edits right now to figure out the details.
So, keep an eye out for details on how you can win a free autographed copy of THE RED PYRAMID. Later. My novel is calling…
Wonderful post, Vicky. It’s fabulous that there are a number of children and parents willing to come and meet the author of books that have drawn their children into reading!! Great news!
Love the Carlos Museum-I remember taking the kids back when they’d actually go with me on adventures.
Can’t wait for the book giveaway…or you could just give me the book now and save yourself a lot of time and trouble.
How fun to tag team tour with Rick Riordan. My oldest got a copy of the new book for his bday. Glad the event was such a success.
Thanks Judy. I found it all very inspiring! Cathy, the Carlos is even better than you remember. Get some friends together and I’ll give ya’ll a private tour! Sarah, I’m sure your son is loving it. It’s a really fun book. Thanks for commenting, y’al!
Man, I so wish I could have been a mouse in your pocket. I bet that was amazing!
So exciting and inspiring! I love that he saved a smile for everyone. And re: giving away the book–I would hold onto it until you have signed copies of your *own* book to give away, and then lure people to speak up for wanting your book while using his as bait. Yesiree, we are old-fashioned hucksters here in the kidlitosphere…
Great post. It’s easy to see that you’re as enthusiastic about him as the kids!
Thanks, too, for the “Girls of Gumption” line on my blog- I adore that. Trying to figure out the HTML stuff to turn it into a badge I can share with others:-)
You guys crack me up. E I think I’d prefer you as a fly on the wall rather than a mouse in my pocket. It would kinda break my concentration, you know? And Jess, you devious marketer, you. That’s a good idea but I probably won’ wait that long.
And Gail, Horray for Girls of Gumption!
great stories. I enjoy the history tidbits. Can’t wait to read your new book!