The H-Team announces a new collaborative release–the story of the Odyssey told from the point of view of the witches, monsters, lovers, and enemies Odysseus left behind during his ten year journey back to Ithaca from the battlefields of Troy.
I am so proud to have been a member of this team–A Sea of Sorrow: A Novel of Odysseus is an amazing book. With collaborative storytelling, all of the authors work closely together to create a unified story with themes and characters that interweave throughout each other’s chapters. It offers authors the opportunity to creatively “play” with storytelling techniques that we may not ordinarily have the opportunity to do. The end result is something bigger and better than any one of us could’ve created on our own.
The novel opens, as Homer’s epic does, with Odysseus’s wife Penelope and his son Telemachus. From there, Scott Oden tells the remarkable story of a Kyklops that is both stunningly real and fascinating. Libbie Hawker follows with a devastating story from the misunderstood yet unbowed Circe. Next follows Amalia Carosella’s haunting and heartbreaking Siren. David Blixt’s Calypso follows as a strong queen on a remote island, forced to manage the emotional storm that comes when a strange king from a foreign land washes up on her shores. Finally, Russell Whitfield wraps the novel up with an Odysseus that is as humbled as he is arrogant, a wily trickster well aware of the calamitous cost of his trickery. I think you will find every new take on this ancient story both fascinating, fresh, and yet amazingly consistent with the source material.
You can order the book from Amazon, Amazon UK, iBooks, Kobo, and Barnes and Noble. We hope you enjoy it!
WOOHOO!!!!! 🙂 e