The author of the dark and delicious, #1 New York Times bestselling Three Dark Crowns series was kind enough to blurb my upcoming nonfiction book, Warrior Queens.
I still can’t get over the awesomeness! Here’s what she said:

“Vicky Alvear Shecter’s Warrior Queens is a wonderful profile of irrepressible women, some of whom history has overlooked. The snappy narrative style and perfect use of puns makes it clear that the author not only knows, but admires these queens. It’s a great reminder that even in ancient times, women (and often teen women!) knew how to push back.”
I love that–especially the part about how young women have been pushing back and owning their power since time immemorial.
Thank you, Kendare!
I first met Kendare years ago at a book festival soon after her debut, Anna Dressed in Blood released. That book is still one of my favorites, as are all of the kick-a** queens in the Dark Crown books. The fourth and last book in that series–Five Dark Fates–by the way, comes out September 3. Check them out!Enjoy the stories of Kendare’s dangerous queens and then share Warrior Queens with younger readers who love learning about real strong women in history!
Woohoo! 🙂 e
🙂 🙂 🙂