More than ten years ago, I joined Stephanie Dray, Kate Quinn, Sophie Perinot, and Eliza Knight for drinks at the Historical Novel Society conference when someone brought up and interesting idea: What if we collaborated on a novel? What if we each picked a character and then everyone’s else’s characters would weave in and out of our individual stories while still maintaining the narrative arc?
We invited Ben Kane to the project and we were off! Day of Fire: A Novel of Pompeii was born. We self-published the novel at first and then years later William Morrow picked it up for reissue.
And now it might be a TV series in the UK! Who could have guessed that our joint creative project would have come this far,
Now an option doesn’t mean that they WILL produce it. It only means they’re interested in doing so and wanted to lock it down before anyone else took it.
Either way, I could not be more grateful that this group of authors invited me to be part of the fun!
Vicky — this is great news. Congratulations and hoping the project moves forward.