The story that initially captured our imaginations about the ancient world gets a reboot in this collaboration novel, releasing October 18th. Helen, Paris, Achilles, Cassandra, Odysseus, Agamemnon, Aeneas and other famous names spring to life in fresh new ways. As always, I am so excited and honored to be a part of this collaboration novel with authors I deeply respect. Get … [Read more...] about New Book Cover for A SONG OF WAR!
Ancient World
Friday Funnies–Olympics Style
The REAL reason Michael Phelps Always Wins Women's Volleyball--The Early Years Simone Biles in a Prior Life ("Seriously, after this, vaulting in a gym is a bull.") … [Read more...] about Friday Funnies–Olympics Style
The Resurrection of FRIDAY FUNNIES!
In honor of the National JCL Convention in Indiana. … [Read more...] about The Resurrection of FRIDAY FUNNIES!
Win Historical Fiction Books and More!
I've always said that reading historical fiction is like having your very own personal time machine. It's the greatest of escapes. And summer is the best time to lose yourself in another world and time. A bunch of authors decided to make it easier for you to crank that time machine. You could win books and prizes from eighteen top authors of historical fiction today. Plus, you … [Read more...] about Win Historical Fiction Books and More!
I Want to Do This! You In?
Ever notice how wanting something very badly turns you into a child? No? Just me? Well, after watching this video of Ben Kane, Russell Whitfield, and Anthony Riches walk from Capua to Rome, kitted out as Roman soldiers, I find myself obsessed with trying to figure out how I could join them in future marches. My pinging thoughts: I could do it! I wouldn't have to wear the … [Read more...] about I Want to Do This! You In?